Follow these 10 simple basics to throw a perfect corporate event at a restaurant

Are you planning for a corporate get together at a restaurant? Have you done this before or it is the first time you will be organizing an event like this? Don’t worry; regardless of the occasion, we have a simple guide that can help you throw a gala corporate event. Planning events at a restaurant can save you from the stress, money, and time. Some reputed restaurants already have a different package planned for corporates. Thus, you don’t have to dig deep in planning and organizing.

If you want to think of organize a great event for your employees, corporate events at Riverside are the talk of the town. They have many activities to keep employees engaged and be comfortable with each other.

10 Simple tips to throw a perfect corporate event at a restaurant:

  1. Prepare your goal: Set a goal for the event. Decide if you want to gather people for your brand awareness, group gathering, fun event, or anything else.
  2. What’s the occasion: Is this to welcome the new employee or introduce a new product in the company? Know your occasion well so that you can think of preparing a theme for the event accordingly.
  3. Set a budget: Considering the other expenses in the company plan a budget and stick to it. A budget helps you to stay in control of your overhead expenses.
  4. Prepare list of guests: Make a list of guests you wish to invite to attend the event. This may include your business partners, media, staff, employees, senior delegates, directors, etc…
  5. Find a good restaurant: Find a good restaurant and a good location to finalize the event for your corporate.
  6. Check accessibility: The location must be easily accessible for the guests. Thus, your restaurant must have easy access from different transport system.
  7. Discuss the menu and activities: Discuss the menu course, package per person, and entertaining activities that the restaurant can plan for the guests. You need to let them know general good preferences so that the can arrange for the menu.
  8. Check parking availability: Check parking availability around the restaurant. You may have to pay extra for reserving the parking space for your guests.
  9. Prepare invites: Prepare invites to send to the guests. An invite must be attractive to entice the guests for a yes to the party.
  10. Follow up: Follow up with the restaurant to check the reservation and arrangements. Corporate events at Riverside don’t let you worry about a thing.
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